July 2020--Hand in Hand Hospice

Post date: Jul 05, 2020 10:16:50 PM

Hand In Hand Hospice

1201 West 12th Avenue

Emporia, Kansas 66801

Phone: (620) 340-6177

Toll Free: (800) 334-6215

Fax: (620) 340-6178

Monday – Friday:

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Information provided by: https://hihhospice.org/

In the days following the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness, many patients, friends, and loved ones are left with more questions than answers. It can be normal to feel uncertain about the next steps and what approach to take as the days pass. But making the right decisions doesn’t have to be difficult. Thanks to the dedicated staff and team of Hand In Hand Hospice, we are here to help guide you through the uncertain days ahead.

In business since 1983, we are a not-for-profit hospice organization in Emporia, Kansas. We serve the residents of Lyon, Coffey, Greenwood, Morris, Osage and Chase County. Our mission promises that:


It is our commitment to you and to those you love to provide outstanding support, guidance and care with more than 85 years of combined expertise. Hand In Hand Hospice offers patients and their families a variety of services including:

    • Nursing care

    • Medical care

    • Bereavement Support

    • Bathing & Personal Care Assistance

Every patient should be offered hospice and palliative care services when a life-limiting diagnosis is made. Many times patients and their families tell us that they wish they had known about our services sooner. Every member of our staff believes that you have the right to live your best life and we are dedicated to helping you live each day to the fullest.

Our medical and nursing staff members are experts in pain management and will work with you or your loved one to achieve therapeutic pain control. Our bereavement staff is available before and up to 13 months after a loss to lend a supportive ear. For everyday needs such as bathing, toileting care, and light household duties, our team is here to assist you and help you feel your best.